I am excited to play with the We R Memory Keepers Bookbinding tool today. I love making books and this little tool has some great features.
The bookbinding tool allows you to punch evenly-spaced holes in paper, book board or leather so that you can stitch them together to make a book or journal.

There are three styles of bindings that the manufacturer suggests: Saddle stitch, Coptic stitch and Japanese bound stitch.
Saddle stitching is the most straight forward and functional of the bindings. It allows you to punch holes up the middle of folded paper to create a booklet or journal. There is only 1 signature in saddle stitched books and it tends to be a thinner booklet.
Coptic and Japanese Bound bindings are more decorative and allow you to punch holes in a pattern that you can sew through to create thicker bindings with as many signatures (folded sheets of paper) as you wish. The pages or signatures are stacked flush with each other and the binding is sewn over the edge of the pages creating a spine that is functional and decorative.
Today I have a video up at YouTube demonstrating the guide in action and createing a notebook using the saddle stitch. It is easy to learn and allows you to create traveler’s notebook inserts or notebooks to keep in your purse.
All products were purchased by me. All opinions are my own.
We R Memory Keepers Bookbinding Tool on Amazon (affiliate link used):
Gotta love Prime shipping!

I am always interested in hearing what kind of cardmaking, papercraft and mixed-media projects and ideas you want to see.
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